Audit Help

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Category: Audit Help
Piggy bank drowning in debt - savings to risk

When you file any tax forms, you have to make sure that the information you provide is accurate. Of course, you are only human. So you might find (at a later date) that you made an error on your return. If you discover you made a mistake, you need to...

Why Taxpayers Need to Disclose Foreign Assets

Keeping current on your taxes is important for avoiding headaches during tax season. And foreign asset reporting can be one of them. If your business owns assets abroad and you’re not reporting them, then you could be doing yourself a disservic...

Shhhhh: The Secrets to Lowering Your Tax Bill

Besides earning less money — which possibly isn’t the best solution — there are a number of ways that you can lower your tax bill by claiming the credits and deductions that you deserve. Knowing what you can claim for or write off t...

How to Handle a Tax Lien on Your House and Bank Account

So, you have just found that a debt collection agency has seized your bank account and taken the money you owe them. The news leaves you shocked and your bank account overdrawn. This can be an extremely worrying scenario. And the worst thing is that ...

Top 10 Tax Deductions for 1099 Freelancers

According to the Freelancers Union, freelancers comprise 35 percent of the U.S. workforce. While news articles and bloggers tout the benefits of freelancing, such as working from home, being in charge of your own schedule and selecting your own clien...

What Airbnb Owners Need to Know About Taxes

If you rent out your vacation home or investment property, you’ll need to report the income to the IRS. For Airbnb Owners and other income-producing property owners, here’s what you’ll owe and how you can lower your tax bill. What A...

Wooden table with coins and plant growing out of a jar.

If you’re a small business owner or self employed and find yourself in the predicament of a tax dispute, you’re in luck. The IRS has unleashed a new program to fast track resolutions to tax disputes. Handling Tax Disputes The program comes after ...

Coins and pens stacked upon a tax form.

The chances of getting audited are slim to none – 99% of tax returns skate by without a scrutinizing glance. However, put it into perspective: that means 1.2 million individuals were audited. So how to reconcile these stats? Know what makes you mor...

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