Tax Debt Help

Category: Tax Debt Help

As we usher in 2025, it’s the perfect time to reassess your tax strategies and ensure you’re on track for a financially healthy year. Here are five actionable steps to help you tackle your tax concerns: 1. Stay Informed on Tax Law Changes...

As we approach the end of 2024, it’s never too early to start planning for the upcoming tax season. Here are our top 10 tax tips for saving money in 2023: File your taxes on time: Filing your taxes on time is important to avoid penalties and in...

Reflection of woman holding camera in car mirror.

You may not realize it, but in some way or another, you’re almost always interacting with the IRS. Whether it’s a special agent or filing your taxes. Obviously, it’s not always direct contact, but it’s contact nonetheless: your employerâ€...

People walking on stairs in front of a large building.

While most people are relative strangers to the IRS, if you’ve ever experienced a small tax issue—or a bigger one like an audit or tax debt—you’ve likely had more interactions with the IRS or a revenue officer than you’d otherwise care to. ...

Mount Rushmore.

Most taxpayers have never interacted with the IRS outside of tax season, much less considered their taxpayer rights. And that makes sense! For most people, the whole process rarely contains more than a couple parts. File your return, maybe cut the IR...

Young blonde beautiful woman drinking coffee, using smartphone and laptop, smiling and looking at camera

After nearly two decades working with taxpayers from all walks of life to represent them in all aspects of their taxpaying life, we’ve learned that even the most punctual, organized person in the world can forget to file or miss a tax deadline. Ser...

Close up of business documents stack on desk , report papers stack

At Edge Financial, we’re all about taxes. We Ooh! at a perfectly prepared tax return, and we Ahh! at a smartly deducted investment loss. (Yeah, we’re tax geeks. Jealous?) It’s because we’re such tax geeks that it simply pains us to see unfile...

Getting Divorced? What You Need to Know About Alimony Tax Changes

Under the new tax law, alimony payments are no longer deductible or taxable transfers. Here’s an overview of the changes and what they mean for divorced couples as well as those considering a divorce. Questions about Alimony Tax Changes What...

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