Besides earning less money — which possibly isn’t the best solution — there are a number of ways that you can lower your tax bill by claiming the credits and deductions that you deserve. Knowing what you can claim for or write off t...
If you’re a small business owner or self employed and find yourself in the predicament of a tax dispute, you’re in luck. The IRS has unleashed a new program to fast track resolutions to tax disputes. Handling Tax Disputes The program comes after ...
Happy 2017! We’re firm believers in never too early, never too prepared for the 2017 tax season. And January is the prime time to start. In addition to getting back to the gym regularly, make getting your taxes in order (and filing early!) a resolu...
As a millennial, you’re probably in the middle to late stages of starting your career, with some student loans, perhaps on the lookout for a better job, and may even have a mortgage. Like other age groups, there are some tax credits and deductions ...
Having to file your taxes twice sounds like a nightmare from the Twilight Zone. Luckily, if you make a mistake or leave something out on your return, the IRS has made it as simple as possible with Form 1040X, the amended tax return. Before you start ...
Getting married changes many things, including your financial situation. A joint account, home ownership, a shared budget, and countless other firsts can come into play. Many newly wed couples are curious about the best way to go about taxes. If you�...
The government encourages all taxpayers to save for retirement, which is why there are taxes imposed for early withdrawals from your 401k. These taxes also come along to discourage using retirement money for anything other than what it was put away f...
Received a lien notice on your home from the IRS? Before assessing your options on how to proceed, it’s imperative to understand the particulars of this notice; selling or refinancing your house becomes difficult until a lien is taken care of. Why ...