Edge Financial Makes the Inc. 5000: Big Growth, Bigger Goals

You’ve probably heard the big news by now. After all, we haven’t exactly been quiet about it. But in case you’re just tuning in here and now, we wanted to share it with you, too: Edge Financial has been honored as an Inc. 5000 company!

This would be a big milestone for any company, which is why we’ve been so excited. But it’s had us thinking a lot about where we’ve been—and where we’re headed.

So for everyone who’s followed our journey or partnered with us during tax season, we wanted to reflect on the other milestones in Edge Financial’s history and look to the future.

What’s the Inc. 5000?

To shed some light on our excitement, we need to share a bit about the Inc. 5000 list.

Each year, Inc. puts out a ranking of the nation’s fastest-growing private companies. These companies range from small teams to large firms, and they earn their placements on the list based on their 3-year growth. In its 37-year history, the Inc. 5000 has conferred honor (and notoriety) to now-household names like Dell, Zillow, LinkedIn, Microsoft, and others!

Not only did our 3-year growth of 400% put us in the top quarter of the Inc. 5000, it earned us the distinction of being the fastest-growing company in our home of Encino, Los Angeles.

This is the first time in Edge Financial history that we’ve made the list. And as our CEO, Light Silver, put it, “The kind of growth required to make the Inc. 5000 is only possible when we’re offering unmatched tax solutions, so this announcement is a humbling confirmation that Edge Financial is headed in the right direction.”

We couldn’t agree more. But this milestone has been a long time in the making.

Hard Work and Innovation Since 2001

It’s hard to believe we opened our doors seventeen years ago, but it’s true.

We originally thought we’d end up focusing exclusively on resolving our clients’ IRS issues. But before too long, we discovered most of our clients needed their tax returns prepared, too, and we realized we could provide this service at a fraction of the cost of most of the competition. This discovery would transform our business model forever.

Since then, we’ve grown as a company, as a team, and as people. We moved into a new 20,000 square foot headquarters, and eventually expanded onto a third floor since! We’ve aired TV commercials, sponsored toy drives and tennis tournaments, and earned top ratings from Facebook to the Better Business Bureau—and everywhere in between. We’ve launched proprietary software to offer clients quicker responses, faster service, and better results.

And we’ve done all this with an unwavering dedication to our clients and the mission we set out on seventeen years ago.

What’s Next for Edge Financial?

When we look back at where we’ve been, we can’t help but think about where we’re going. Will we be named to the Inc. 5000 or Inc. 500 list again next year? Will we need a fourth floor anytime soon? And who will win the next Team Spirit Day?

Who knows! That’s what’s so exciting about the future. That said, here’s what we do know:

At Edge Financial, we’re committed to growing responsibly and always finding new ways to serve our diverse client base better. If we focus on doing everything right—for our clients and community—we don’t need to wonder, “What if?” The pieces will come together.

For now, thank you for coming along for the ride. It’s an exciting road ahead.


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