When filing as a small business for the first time or the fifth, it’s common to become overwhelmed with the many facets of the process, or even skip steps. Filing your business taxes is the most important task in keeping your business in line finan...
As the year wraps up, it’s wise to start thinking about getting your necessary tax documents in order to expedite your refund. You can now file starting January 20th instead of January 31st. Prep those W2s stat! How else are you going to plan that ...
We’ve all had nightmares of being audited. Could it possibly happen to us? What if we somehow made a mistake on our tax returns? Once you submit your return, it can be hard to ignore that nagging feeling that we might have done something wro...
Grab a pen and some paper and take notes! Tax filing season might be over, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get prepared for next filing season! Since we’re the ones thinking about taxes all day (and enjoying it!), let us do the research for you...
You’re a good person. You’re doing your taxes. You’re spending lots of time making sure it’s done right and nothing gets let behind. You are, however, worried that you’ve missed something, or you’re not getting the return you deserve. The...
Isn’t filing your tax return such a hassle? Why do we do it? Because it’s the law? It’s about time we all took our power back and thought about NOT filing our tax returns. Save yourself the hassle and throw caution to the wind! Read on for some...
Nothing is certain besides death and taxes, Ben Franklin said, so before you go shopping for caskets at Costco, make sure you know the most important tips about your yearly filing – it can save you serious cash, time, and hassle. Read below for...
Making Solid Tax Footing Your New Goal There will be some changes to the tax code come 2015, so your next prepared tax return should take advantage of all the benefits that lead to a bigger refund or lower tax bill. The tax code is like a constantly...
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