Stop us if you’ve heard this one. “There are only two certainties in life: death and taxes.” Of course you’ve heard it! Everyone has. The persistent reality of filing your taxes year in and year out for your entire adult, income-earni...
At Edge Financial, we’re all about taxes. We Ooh! at a perfectly prepared tax return, and we Ahh! at a smartly deducted investment loss. (Yeah, we’re tax geeks. Jealous?) It’s because we’re such tax geeks that it simply pains us to see unfile...
Well, Tax Day 2019 has come and gone. What do you have to show for it? Or, have you missed the tax deadline? As one might expect, you probably fall into one of three categories following April 15: the Goal, the Reality, and the Worst-Case Scenario. T...
Let the countdown to filing your tax return begin. It’s hard to believe that we have merely a month left until Tax Day, but time really flies when you’re having fun. At Edge Financial, we keep ourselves busy year-round, but as you can probably gu...
Investing comes with risk. A lot of it. And that’s why we wanted to talk about tax-loss harvesting. Of course, if you’re a seasoned investor, we’re surely not telling you anything new. After all, phrases like “all investments carry risk�...
Filing your taxes takes forever. Right? And there’s no way you can file your tax return when you’re busy. Right? At least that’s what we hear. Ask any Joe or Jane Schmo on the street, and you’ll hear the same thing. Taxes are a long p...
Let’s say you’ve just taken out your very first loan to help pay for your child’s college education. Or maybe you’re a parent filing for the first time with student loans in repayment. Clearly, it’s time to learn about taxes and financi...
As Valentine’s Day fast approaches, there’s no denying it. We’re in the season of love. Most know Valentine’s Day as the holiday of romance, the most romantic day of the year for couples (and singles) alike. But if you take the complete oppos...